Family Pentecost Novena

How to use this Novena

Find a quiet place and gather your family together. Start and end each day with the Sign of the Cross. Go through each part slowly and prayerfully. Use the Praise and Prayer section to help you enter into worship and then use the suggested song, or one of your own, to worship the Lord as a family. Click the song name to follow the link. Use the Called to Greatness section to have a family discussion about how the Holy Spirit can work in your life. Pray for that specific grace as you end with the simple Novena Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit!

A note on Praise and Worship

It’s good to take a few minutes every day to worship the Lord. It pleases God so much! When we worship, our minds are taken off of our troubles and lifted up to the God who can do the impossible! When we worship, we enter into the presence of our good Father who loves us more than we can imagine. Each day there will be a few songs of sacred music or contemporary praise and worship. Parents: click on the song title to follow the YouTube link and get your whole family to join in!