Decline to Sign the Abortion Amendment!

Currently, a ballot initiative petition is circulating around the State of Michigan entitled the Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative. This campaign is led by a coalition of groups under the umbrella name of “Reproductive Freedom for All.”

Please do not sign this petition. This petition would put on the ballot an amendment that would allow for unlimited and unregulated abortions in the State of Michigan. This amendment would legalize abortion at any time of pregnancy, for any reason, and prevent health and safety requirements for abortion facilities.  Bishop Boyea and the other Michigan bishops are all opposing this petition, with Bishop Boyea stating that signing it “is to place oneself in danger of grave or mortal sin because of this active and direct cooperation with evil.”

With the recent Supreme Court decision on the Dobbs case and the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the battle over abortion has returned to the states. Michigan’s existing law protects the unborn, although a judge has issued a temporary injunction blocking enforcement of the law. Therefore, the fight to enshrine abortion rights in the State of Michigan constitution will only intensify. Please keep this situation in your prayers.

To read Bishop Boyea’s statement, please click here.

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