Holy Week Meditations for Families

How to use these Holy Week Meditations

Each day you will be drawn into prayer and praise with a Proclamation, Scripture Reading, Prayer, links to Worship Songs on YouTube, and Suggested Activities. Some of those activities will be Lectio and/or Visio Divina – sacred reading of God’s holy Word and sacred viewing of art. Other days include ideas for craft projects or other short activities to help engage with the message of that day’s proclamation. The whole family can join in together, each at their own level. The elements can be done in any order as the Holy Spirit leads. The Proclamation is intended to guide the meditation, always at the service of the Scripture reading, and tie it all together. A proclamation is a message of TRUTH with an INVITATION to follow Jesus. So let’s go out and be disciples!

A note on Praise and Worship

It’s good to take a few minutes every day to worship the Lord. It pleases God so much! When we worship, our minds are taken off of our troubles and lifted up to the God who can do the impossible! When we worship, we enter into the presence of our good Father who loves us more than we can imagine. Each day there will be a few songs of sacred music or contemporary praise and worship. Parents: click on the song title to follow the YouTube link and get your whole family to join in!