Adult Sacraments (OCIA)

“In the sacraments of Christian initiation we are freed from the power of darkness and joined to Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. We receive the Spirit of filial adoption and are part of the entire people of God in the celebration of the Lord’s death and resurrection.” (General Introduction to RCIA, 1)

The Church welcomes those who want to join themselves to Christ through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. She also welcomes Christians from other Christian communions who, already baptized, wish to complete their sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church, as well as Catholics returning after some absence from the Church to the practice of the Catholic faith. The process by which this happens is called the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA).

At Christ the King, OCIA is structured with small groups meeting with catechists who guide them into an understanding of the Catholic Church.

Please see the calendar and registration below. If you have more questions, contact Jessica Dudek at or 734-929-0972.

OCIA Calendar

September – November


“Is there more to life than this?”

December – March

 Catholic Doctrine

“Why do I need the Catholic Church?”

April – May

Sacraments and Next Steps

“How do I live my faith?”

2024 – 2025 Registration

Alpha is the first step of OCIA with small groups meeting on Mondays and Wednesday. Please sign up for the day that works best for you!

What is Alpha?