Mass Times

Sunday Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday: 6:45 a.m.

Tuesday, Thursday: 12:00 noon

Wednesday: 7:00 p.m.

Friday: 5:30 p.m.

Confession schedule

Friday: 5:00-5:30 pm
Saturday: 9:40-11:00 am & 4:00-4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30-9:00 am & 10:30-11:00 am

Please note:

  • Confessions are in the Confessional in the Worship Space (in the back on the right side as you face the Altar). The Confession line begins in the last row of seats next to the Confessional. Confessions will only be available from behind the screen;  no face-to-face Confessions will be available. 
  • If the priest hearing Confessions is also celebrating Mass, then Confessions will end 5 minutes before Mass begins.
  • Confessions before a Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass are primarily for those attending the Mass. Confessions on Friday evening and Saturday morning are open to all.

Click here for our Inclement Weather Policy regarding all parish activities

Please note:

  • Communion under both species:  Beginning Easter Sunday, 2022, both the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Christ are available for Communion at the Sunday Masses.
  • The 9:00 am Mass is livestreamed via our YouTube channel. Your attendance at this Mass constitutes your agreement to be included in the livestream.
  • A kneeler is available at Fr. Ed’s Communion station (left side of the center aisle as you face the Altar) for those who wish to kneel to receive Communion but have difficulty kneeling.
    Please note:  Kneeling to receive Communion is allowed at any Communion station. The kneeler is simply to assist those who struggle to kneel.
  • If you are bringing Communion to the sick or homebound, please bring a pyx and contact a deacon immediately after Mass.
  • Incense is used to enhance the solemnity of some liturgies. For a list of those liturgies, please click here for the Incense Use Calendar.
  • Please click here to read the guidelines which we are observing for Mass and/or see the notes below.

For those unable to attend Mass on-site

  1. We live-stream the 9 am Sunday Mass on our YouTube channel.
  2. If you are bringing Communion to the sick or homebound, please bring a pyx and contact a deacon immediately after Mass. Low gluten hosts are available; please contact Fr. Ed ( or 734-665-0609) if you can receive only the Precious Blood.
  3. To download instructions for how to administer Holy Communion in the home, please click here.