CTK Upper Room Prayer Meetings
“The Church must gather in the Upper Room ‘together with Mary, the mother of Jesus’ (Acts 1:14), in order to pray for the Spirit and to gain strength and courage to carry out the missionary mandate. We too, like the apostles, need to be transformed and guided by the Spirit.”
– Pope St. John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio

Upper Room: Adore
Every 2nd Friday of the Month
Upper Room: Adore is a dynamic Catholic charismatic prayer meeting that is fully open to the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. All ages are welcome to attend each month to encounter the Lord through praise and worship, exhortation, Eucharistic Adoration, and prayer ministry. These prayer meetings may include an extended time for worship, teachings, testimonies, and more. We strive to seek the Lord in a spirit of joy and child-like faith. All are welcome!
We invite you to join us on the 2nd Friday of each month from 7:15 – 9:00 PM.

Upper Room: Equip
One Sunday Each Month
Upper Room: Equip is a charismatic prayer meeting dedicated to leaning into the charismatic gifts. This Upper Room will provide an opportunity for teaching, equipping, and practicing of the charismatic gifts in a smaller, more informal environment. This Upper Room will have a more intimate feeling to it as it will take place in the CTK Lower Level and will have fewer musicians playing each month. All are welcome!
We invite you to join us on the third Sunday of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 PM.