First Confession and First Communion

Preparation for 1st Confession and 1st Communion takes place in the 2nd Grade at Christ the King. There are several options for your child’s preparation:

  • Wednesday Religious Education classes: at 4:15 pm or 7:00 pm meeting weekly with highly trained and experienced catechists.
  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: a two year program beginning in 1st Grade, see their page for more information.
  • Catholic school preparation: SSA and HVCS provide sacramental prep catechesis but the child comes to CTK for readiness interviews, practice, and to receive the sacraments.
  • Homeschoolers: we have many homeschooled children in our Wednesday program! Or you may prepare your child at home, coming to CTK just for the readiness interviews and practice.  Please contact Susan Perrier to discuss curriculum or any other support she can give you (

Everyone must register! No matter which route you chose for preparation, please register so that we know you expect your child to receive sacraments this year. If you have a Catholic school, CGS, or homeschool child, please follow the directions on the registration form.

New this year: Sacrament Fee – $25 per child receiving First Communion (or Confirmation), regardless of where the preparation occurs.

Required Documents

Pastors have the canonical duty to provide the sacraments for their parishioners. We welcome members of other parishes to participate in our activities and attend our classes, but you must be a registered parishioner of Christ the King, attending our weekend Mass at least three times a month, for your child to receive First Communion. Parish attendance will be noted on the form when you register your child for sacrament prep.

Additionally, if your child was baptized at another parish, you must submit a copy of his or her baptismal certificate so we can make sure sacraments are properly recorded and reported to the baptismal parish. Send an electronic copy of the certificate to Youth Discipleship Adminstrative Assistant, Mary Cooney, or a paper copy to the parish office at her attention.

Important Dates for 2023 – 2024

  • Baptism certificates due upon registration (for children not baptized at CTK).
  • Wednesday, September 6, 2023: Religious Education classes begin
  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024: 1st Confession Interviews (required for all children preparing for First Confession). Child attends during either the 4:15-5:45 or 7:00-8:30 class.
  • Saturday, March 23, 2024: FIRST CONFESSION, 1:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2024: 1st Communion Interviews (required for all children preparing for First Communion). Child attends during either the 4:15-5:45 or 7:00-8:30 class.
  • Saturday, April 27, 2024: Practice for First Communion, 9:00 am
  • Saturday, May 4, 2024: FIRST COMMUNION MASS, 10:00 am.