Connect Groups
We all long for connection, and we need connections in order to live out our Catholic faith with joy and peace. Connect Groups are groups of individuals and families that come together twice a month for fellowship, support, prayer and teaching.
If you’re interested in joining a Connect Group, let us know! We’d love to get you connected.
Live Free!
Jesus came to liberate us from everything that limits our freedom to be who we were created to be. Request a one-time prayer appointment or join a Live Free Class. More information can be found below.
Parish Missions
Coming soon…
Spiritual Direction
Are you looking for guidance on moving forward in the spiritual life? Finding a spiritual director who can accompany you as you grow in your faith can be very fruitful. If you’d like to find a spiritual director, please contact Heart of Christ Spiritual Direction.
Various retreats, days of renewal, and men’s and women’s nights are offered throughout the year as an opportunity to grow in our faith. (For information about retreats for teens, check our Youth Discipleship page.)
While Christ the King does not have a parish school, we work hard to support the different Catholic schools that many parishioners attend. These schools include the CTK Homeschool Co-op, Spiritus Sanctus Academy, Huron Valley Catholic School and Father Gabriel Richard High School. Opportunities for tuition assistance are made available each spring for registered parishioners in need. Contact Director of Operations Ken Bogan ( to learn more.
Marian Life
Fostering a relationship with the Blessed Mother is an integral part of helping to develop spirit filled disciples.