Your landing ground for practical tips and tools for sharing the faith in the day to day
Hi Friend!
Welcome to The Everyday Evangelist! This is your landing ground for practical tips and tools for sharing the faith in the day to day!
When I was in middle school, I lived a double life. I was a normal 12 year old who sang in choir, hung out with friends, and gossiped about boys. But at home my family prayed together. Every day we sang worship songs, prayed in tongues, read the scripture, and I had absolutely no idea how to translate my faith to my peers.
How could I tell them that I had witnessed miraculous healings and had been slain in the Spirit? How was I supposed to respond when my friends wanted to goof around with tarot cards in gym class? The divid only became stronger as I grew and went to college. But it was there that I finally learned how to bridge the gap, meet a friend where they were, and help them take one step closer to Jesus.
After serving on staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for 5 years, and then taking the role as Director of Evangelization at Christ the King in 2018, I have lost count of how many people I have seen say yes to surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ. I’ve never known any joy like that of seeing a person go from death to life, and I want you to know that same joy!
I’m here to help you be empowered and equipped to bring the gospel to others. The world is in desperate need of the saving love of Jesus Christ, and we have opportunity and responsibility to make His love known!
So subscribe, take a listen, send me a question, and go and make disciples!

In all things, lean on the Lord, and rely on the Holy Spirit