Living Waters Discipleship Group

For more detailed information on what Living Waters is and who it is for, please CLICK HERE.

Register for Living Waters!

“Where can I go to share my pain and struggle? Will anyone listen to me? How can I find hope in my struggle? I’m alone and afraid to tell anyone what’s really in my heart.” Such thoughts and questions plague many Christians. The discipleship and prayer ministry of Living Waters addresses the roots of sexual and relational issues that ensnare Christians into unhealthy living.

Living Waters provides a thoughtful and safe place to look at the ways we’ve become ensnared and have trouble living out our identity fulling as men and women. Through weekly times of worship, teaching and small group prayer, our program leaders walk with participants in their struggle so they can live in freedom and truth. We pray for God’s healing to restore broken areas of life so that people can “love well” as God intended.

We will meet on Mondays starting Sept. 23rd, from 7-9:15pm, for 20 weeks.  Once you fill out the registration form to indicate your interest, we’ll contact you with more information on how to apply.  Cost is $100, but scholarships are available.

Questions? Contact Paul Godfrey,