“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8
Tuesday Nights
All 9th through 12th grade students are welcome to come for a time of fun and building community! Join us for food, games, and worship every Tuesday from 7:15-9:30pm at Christ the King Church. Other activities vary based on the week, details below and on the schedule. New faces are always welcome!
Small groups: Small groups are bi-weekly and with the same people throughout the year. The group is a place to grow intentionally as a community inside of the larger youth group. Groups are based on age range and gender, with a 1-2 Core Team members as leaders.
TNT nights we have a speaker come and give a talk on a relevant topic, with time for Q&A.
Adoration nights will include a short talk/meditation and time of quiet worship along with Silent Adoration.
*Schedule subject to change. Request weekly email updates by contacting jhoving@ctkcc.net, and we’ll put you on the list.*
Teen Service Opportunities

Meet the Core Team
Core Team leads all teen programming! To see more about this year’s team, click below.